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package design

Package Design for Ice N Heat Ultimate Combo Product

By Andrew Hughes, BeWell, Graphic Design, package design, packaging
I love package design because it is a challenge to grab the attention of consumers in a busy retail store. People tend to make up their minds in a split second or two.

How does one balance the product name and image, key points, primary and secondary branding, box orientation, special callouts, required information etc. etc.?

Here is the final box for Ice N Heat’s Ultimate Combo which is a unique hot and cold compress product. It contains 2 types of compresses that attach to the same body wrap using velcro. Anyway, there is a lot the box front needed to say, and it was like a puzzle to get them all to fit. This is version #18… which is shows how many layouts and alternate text versions were tried.

This particular client, BeWell USA, Inc., makes their own health-based products, but also makes private label versions on request for pharmacy chains. This is a factor in the design that required that I keep the primary branding area easily changed out with different logos.

This project included graphic design, photo retouching, illustration, copywriting and marketing… the whole shebang.

Package & Display Design for Bed Bug Pesticide

By Andrew Hughes, bed bugs, BugBand, EES, Graphic Design, Graphic Works, Inc., insecticide, new products, package design
These bed bugs are
nasty little suckers

Remember that old saying “Don’t let the bed bugs bite”? That was a reality for our parents’ and grandparents’ genrations. That changed when pesticides like DDT were used to devastating effect in the 1940s to practically wipe out bed bugs infestations. Decades later DDT was determined to be environmentally and medically dangerous and taken off the market. It is an unpleasant fact that bed bugs (that were once a thing of past) are now coming back with a vengeance in hotels, motels and even theaters.

My client, BugBand, manufacturers natural insect repellent products that deter insects by emitting Geraniol vapors. Geraniol contains a naturally derived extract from Geranium flowers which people have been using for hundreds of years in window boxes to keep insects out of their homes.

These packages are not shown to scale. The one of the left is only a small 3 oz. travel size bottle.

Last year, BugBand introduced their first pesticide aimed directly at bed bugs. Bed Bugs No More! uses a strong concentration of Geraniol to kill bed bug eggs, larvae, nymphs and adult bed bugs. Geraniol dissolves the exoskeleton of the bedbugs and they cannot become immune to the effects. This is different from the nerve agent pesticides that are usually used, and only affect adults insects with developed nervous systems. Bed Bugs No More! is not toxic and safe for humans. This is my layman’s understanding of complicated chemical processes and biology. More information will soon be on the BugBand web site.

Long story short, I got to design the Bed Bugs No More! packages, two being your standard pump bottle and the other, a small travel size package that uses heat shrink technology to adhere the label to the bottle. In this case, labels are printed as circular plastic sleeves that shrink when heat is applied to them making a colorful and tamper-resistant package. I also designed the displays coming to a store near you.

Ice ‘N Heat Ice Bag Package Design and Product Photos

By Graphic Design, package design, product photography

We have all seen the traditional ice bag and probably used them for aches and pains. This updated version by BeWell uses modern technology to improve on an old design. This bag can handle warm or cold water and it has special temperature indicators on the bottom of the bag to let the user know when it is time to change the warm water or ice in the bag. The snowflake symbol appears when the bag is icy cold or the sun symbol appears when it is time to add more warm water. Pretty neat…no guessing involved.

For this project, I took photos of the ice bag in several different angles, using a soft light side light to accentuate the folds of the bag. I was careful to control the highlight to shadow ratio so that the photo would have detail in the shadows on the future packaging.

I designed a medium and large box for the bags based on BeWell’s retail packaging style. Look for them in store near you.

Package Design and Product Photography for BeWell Products

By Graphic Design, package design, product photography

BeWell is a company that makes many of the healthcare-related products that one may find in drug stores. Some of those products include moist heat bags that are warmed in a microwave before applying to one’s body. The old packaging was a cylinder of of plastic with a paper label insert. This took up too much shelf space and was too expensive.

A more efficient, compact and cheaper packaging solution was needed.  Pennies saved per package can add up over a year’s time and make a huge difference in the profit margin. The cyclider design was transferred to small boxes.

I hand built sample boxes for an investor meeting and took photos for future promotional materials. I tend to shoot products like this one box at a time and then assemble them into groups as needed. This gives me the same perspective on each product photo and they look better in catalogs and web sites at a consistent angle. I can also change the backgrounds easily depending on what is needed.