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My First Trip to Las Vegas

By Las Vegas, photography, travel

You know the advertising slogan… “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”. I wish I had such juicy secrets to hide, but honestly, I don’t. I took my first Vegas trip with a bunch of guys that had been going for years.

Sin City? I guess we went to the wrong places because only scantily clad women that we saw were at the hotel’s lame burlesque show which was so “unshocking” that one comrade fell asleep. It was a drag queen show but with actual women. I kept looking for adam’s apples on the dancers just to be sure they were not playing a practical joke on us. It was “over-the-top” campy, lip-synched to bad music with terrible lyrics and probably had not been updated since 1955? We eventually walked out early while a comedian host made his bad jokes.
We spent plenty of hours walking the Vegas streets taking in the sights sounds. The sidewalks are jam-packed with gawkers and interesting people alike. The fellow on the right below looked familiar, but I could not place where I had seen him before. ha ha
The streets really get interesting at nigh when the casinos use millions of bulbs 
and miles of neon to mesmerize patrons… the same way that bug zappers attract moths.
I kinda liked seeing this Disneyland for adults, and I could definitely go back. 
I had better start saving now since everything I wanted to do is so expensive…

Despite the crowds of people walking around, I thought Vegas could feel lonely. One could definitely disappear into a crowd and be lost in the noise and hustle. I witnessed many grizzled gamblers blowing wads of cash at the slots and tables… $100 a pop in some cases. I hope it made them happy.
The original and biggest neon light shined from above.
I wonder if you can see Las Vegas from the Moon?

After seeing the amount of cash that visitors were going through, I have a new slogan for Vegas. 
“What money you have in your pocket, stays in Vegas”.

Family Photos

By family, photography

Last summer got to go back to Virginia for a nice long family visit. I only get to visit my childhood home about twice a year now so and I really enjoy spending time with my family and all my nieces and nephews (who seem to be growing like weeds).

It was my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary, and it was kind of mind-blowing that they had been together so long. They have been married 10 times longer than I have. I started so late that I will never catch up.

We have not had a family photo in 20 or 30 years, so when all the planets aligned and we jumped in for a few shots. Their next door neighbor did the clicking, and all of us were amazed at how fat we look, that is why I am only showing head shots. I can only say this since it is family and they would agree.

The Wedding of Angie and Eric

By Atlanta, photography, web site design, wedding

The big wedding day had finally come for Angie & Eric Scissom. I had met these two earlier in the year when I took their engagement photos. Now we were back in the same exact place for their wedding ceremony and reception.

Click to view Angie and Eric’s Wedding Gallery Web Site

It was an outside wedding, and the temperatures were anything but typical for mid September. It seems that summer wanted to hang out like a drunk who doesn’t know when to leave your house party. It was over 90 degrees that day and extremely humid. I soaked 3 shirts, and I felt a few pounds lighter when I got home. I was hoping not to get heat exhaustion.

I tend to go into high gear when working a wedding especially if I do not have a second shooter with me, and I try to be everywhere at once. To make  a long story short, the wedding went beautifully, the reception was wonderful and the spirits of everyone involved were high. Here are a few of my favorite photographs from that day.

The Colors of Fall 2010

By Atlanta, Fall colors, photography

Every year I make a habit of enjoying the incredible fall colors of Atlanta. I am amazed at the combination of hues that come and go in just a few weeks. Here are a few photos taken right behind the studio.

This last one was taken with my iphone which exaggerated the blue in the asphalt.

Office Halloween Costume Contest

By costumes, Graphic Works, Halloween, photography

The law firm down the hall works hard, but they try to let off a little steam on special occasions… like Halloween. This gave them the excuse to act silly for a costume contest. Again, me and my office mates were asked to be judges to choose the SCARIEST COSTUME, the FUNNIEST COSTUME and the MOST ORIGINAL COSTUME. It was a tough call but we all agreed the ribbons were handed out. After the contest we invited the participants back to the studio for a quick costume portrait. Here are a few of them.

These brave women chose to impersonate their bosses. Luckily they have a good sense of humor.

This gal claimed to work at “King Burger”. She said I could have it my way… but don’t get crazy. Think lots of ghetto attitude and you can imagine what she sounded like. The hair and nails are fakes. She had everyone laughing so she won the FUNNIEST COSTUME award.

This mummy won the scariest costume award, but really we thought she was pretty cute.
Aftert this chamber maid had her portrait maid, I asked her id she could do a little dusting.
This “lady” had more chest hair than me, and her husband would not kiss her goodbye. 
This contestant had a bewitching classic costume. We can’t wait to see what they do next year.

Learning from the Master Photo Retoucher, Scott Dorman

By Classes, photography, retouching, Scott Dorman, Small Dog Studios

Today, I got a real treat. Scott Dorman of Small Dog Imageworks gave me a one-on-one look into the his world of high-end photographic retouching. I consider myself to be pretty good at Photoshop, but to see a gifted master at work was a wonder. After a couple of hours, my head was spinning with the possibilities.

Scott Dorman works with some of the brightest photographers today, and his unique composting and illustration techniques, along with his attention to detail and color make him more than just a retoucher. He becomes the photgrapher’s secret weapon to fix flaws and take the mundane to the fantastic.

See his work and be amazed at Http://

4 Month Old Alessandra Photos

By babies, Halloween, photography, portraits

Little Alli is one of the cutest babies that I have ever met. Just look at that face!

For a child this young, she has a lot of personality. I think I saw her expression change from “joy” to “surprise” to “sadness” to “confusion” to the “look a kid makes when they have to burp”… all in less than 30 seconds.

I was lucky enough to take newborn photos and these are the follow up photos.

Helping Mom Get Ready

For babies, a lot has changes in 4 short months. They grow so fast and everyday their brains connect to new parts of their bodies. I learned today that they start to recognize faces around this time.

Just today, Alli learned to stick her tongue out which had us laughing, and me scrambling to try to take a photo between the tongue flicking out.

The most amazing feature of this child is her deep blue eyes which she got directly from her grandmother. It is almost erie how much those two look alike.

Since it was Halloween season, we had to take some photos of Alli in her pumpkin shirt. We would have taken photos of her in her costume, but “we” ran out of steam.

Babies can only go so long before they have had enough. In fact something strange started to happen to Alli and I had to put the camera down for fear of getting bitten. ha ha

To see all the rest of Alessandra’s photos, click here.

Visit to Vancouver Island

By Canada, Naimo, photography, travel, Vancouver Island

This week, my wife and I are going on an anniversary vacation to Seattle, Washington and Vancouver Island, Canada. We cannot wait to see all the great sites and just spend some time away from the rat race.

I went to Vancouver Island a few years ago to visit a good buddy and never got around to posting the photos. It’s true that I’ve been busy, but this was just ridiculous. So, without further ado, here is my 2008 Canadian trip… I hope I can remember the details…

The trip started out early before sunrise in Atlanta, Georgia. I was halfway across the country when the sun came up in one of the most spectacular skies I have ever witnessed. The color is not enhanced and it reminds me of a 1960s abstract painting of just pure color.

We were flying way about the clouds and I wanted to fly through them… They looked so soft and bouncy.

I had breakfast at a layover in Denver… These bottles caught my eye because they were lit up like little jewels. I just realized that they were not full…

My layover airport’s tram has a glass wall that allows you to watch the trains come right at you.

They also had an arcade, which reminded me of blowing stacks of quarters in the days before XBox and PlayStations. It was time to get going again… Next destination: Vancouver.

After landing in Vancouver, I took a bus to a seaport where a small seaplane was waiting to take me to Vancouver Island shown above. The birds seemed to all be on the same wavelength.

Below is a landing seaplane against a large cruise liner. The scale of the ship is hard to believe.

This trip took 2 cars, 2 trains, 1 bus, 2 jets, and 1 sea plane just to get to my friend’s house.

When I landed in Naimo, I had some time to kill before my friend could pick me up. There was lots to see. The town is on a beautiful bay surrounded by mountains.

I talked to some of the local native artists who would sit outside carving sculptures for tourists.

I started walking and shooting whatever caught my eye.

I believe this was an old bank or courthouse.

The window below belongs to a church.

The homes were stacked on each other and had unique features.

The color of some of the trees was brilliant enough to light the inside of a parking deck with lime green light!

Even the ivey was colorful…
From the top of a hill, I could see the most of the city.

Naimo is a mixture of old and new. Some buildings are brand new and some have a bit more “character”.

Speaking of characters, I ran into a few of them on the street. Could the man below be a modern day prophet? He has a halo above him…

This other fellow was walking his cat… something that I do not think works very well.

At least everyone I met was friendly. Even passing by, people would greet you.

There are plenty of high rise buildings in Naimo too.
 That means the window washer man should have year long business.
Finally  my buddy, Ken, picked me up and we went to his house in Duncan.
Duncan has totems lining the streets. Some of these were quite old.
I am a huge fan of Native America carvings. It was a real treat to see these master works.
I could not resist taking pictures of the neighbor’s garden… especially the enormous sunflowers.

Ken gave me an fantastic tour of the local mountains, harbors and rain forests. I don’t have photos of the rain forest because I was mountain biking down steep slopes and praying that I did not impale myself on the broken stumps pointing straight at me. I think a mountain goat would have been more at home there.

The climate was surprisingly mild for being that far north. Most of the structures have a beautiful patina.

Eventually I ended up back at Naimo waiting for the seaplane flight back to the mainland.

I spent my last hour on the island people watching… in this case people watching themselves.

I called “shotgun” on the plane ride back and was treated to an otherworldly skyscape. What planet was I on? It did not matter because soon, I was back in an American airport surrounded by obese, loud talking people eating junk food and watching football. Welcome home to the good ‘ole USA!