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Euro Foto Video Web SIte Launched

By photography, websites

Euro Foto Video Photography in Atlanta, GA
This is the portfolio web site for Justinas Bartkevicius and his family of talented artists, photographers and videographers. Maybe talent is hereditary? Working in the metro Atlanta area and Lithuania, they are fluent in English, Russian, French and Lithuanian. The site is a work in progress and will have additional text and material added soon.

Trip to San Francisco

By personal, photography, san francisco, travel

San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge
Jenny and I took a short working trip to San Francisco, CA. It was a whirlwind trip and we experienced lots of sights and sounds including seeing a hit and run pedestrian accident. I think we walked 20 miles one day. Note to self, things are much further than they appear on a map.

Alcatraz had a strange calmness about it that belies its history. THE Golden Gate bridge is spectacular. The city’s food is excellent, but our internal time clocks messed up our eating schedule. The trolley cars are memorable. China town is a trinket shopper’s delight. We saw a photographic exhibit of Annie Lebowitz that blew us away. I recognized much of the work already. I would like to get back to see the rest of the city that we did not get to this time.

When we landed back in Georgia, our plane hit an air pocket and we dropped like a rock. The passengers let out a collective scream before the plane started flying again. Whew! dodged another bullet…