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Brian Collins Photos with Megan Case

By Brian Collins, musician, portaits, portrait photography

My photographer friend, Megan Case, got a gig to make promotional portraits of Brian Collins of the Brian Collins Band. He is a talented singer-songerwriter on the verge of hitting it big. I had been dying to try out my new Einstein flash equipment in the field and this seemed like a perfect chance to test the gear so I volunteered as her assistant.

The Einstein studio flash system can become a versatile portable light source when paired with a small lithium-ion battery pack good for 300 full power pops. The advantage is that a photographer can put way more light onto a subject in an outside environment compared to using hot shoe flashes.

We used the Einstein system outside in several locations and then headed to a local bar that Brian had secured for us. As an assistant, I do not usually shoot, but I had an idea that Megan liked and she said to try it.

I set Brian at the bar and put one flash with a large umbrella on him. The concept was to blend the flash with the ambient lights in the room which were very dull. The exposure was about 1.5 seconds so he had to remain still. I had his band mates walk backwards in some of the frames to create a cool motion blur affect seen in the photo above.

A different photo that I helped to finish was what I call “the floating musician”. Real magic was used to make Brian levitate several feet off the ground.

Photo by Megan Case. Retouching by Andrew Hughes.

I love working with Megan because she has a fantastic eye for composition and is one of the nicest photographers you will ever meet. We make a good team because we can bounce ideas off of each other without egos. Our top priority is to get good photos… period. Check out her blog and prepared to be wowed.

Portrait Session With Atlanta Photographer Megan Case

By Megan Case Photography, musician, portraits

I met Megan many years ago in a photography class that we took together. We did not talk much beyond class discussions, but I did take notice of her work. She was pushing ahead and standing out in the crowd.

On the last day we exchanged contact information and usually those kinds of connections never go anywhere. Luckily, this one did and now many years later we are shooting together. For this one, I was her assistant on a portrait shoot of a local musician, Dwight Raby. We had a shot list formulated before he showed up which helped the session run smoothly.

The results were just what we wanted… a very shallow depth of field with the eyes in sharp focus with the nose forward blurred and the ears backward blurred.

I was also proclaimed “The Best Photo Assistant Ever”… I’ll take it because I’ve been called worse. You see more of Megan’s work at

Billy Gewin, Musician and Songwriter Portraits

By Billy Gewin, music, musician, portraits

I met Billy Gewin several years ago and have wanted to photograph him ever since. Billy is a talented singer and song writer who has put out at least 3 albums. He plays several types of guitars and can mix music the old fashioned way with a huge sound board. He is a genuinely interesting guy who is not afraid to let his personal  thoughts and feelings to be known.

I had about an hour to try to get some good shots. We took several photos in his home studio and basement. Then I decided to take advantage of the fact that he had not mowed for a couple of weeks. Wonderful green clover and tiny purple flowers made the front yard look like a beautiful meadow. The illusion was created by depriving the photos of any suburban clues.

For more information on Billy check out his web site at