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Family Photos

By family, photography

Last summer got to go back to Virginia for a nice long family visit. I only get to visit my childhood home about twice a year now so and I really enjoy spending time with my family and all my nieces and nephews (who seem to be growing like weeds).

It was my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary, and it was kind of mind-blowing that they had been together so long. They have been married 10 times longer than I have. I started so late that I will never catch up.

We have not had a family photo in 20 or 30 years, so when all the planets aligned and we jumped in for a few shots. Their next door neighbor did the clicking, and all of us were amazed at how fat we look, that is why I am only showing head shots. I can only say this since it is family and they would agree.

Pregnancy and Family Portraits in Stone Mountain Park

By Atlanta, family, portrait photography, Stone Mountain Park
Making portraits in new locations is always an adventure and challenge for me. I love discovering new settings to take pictures of my clients. You never know what a place may look like until you try it… and many times I get surprised.
This portrait session took place in Stone Mountain Park, Georgia, which is conveniently a short drive from my studio. There are good photographic locations hiding around every corner, and it will take a few months for me to explore the place. Good thing I bought a year-long pass.

I have been taking photos of the Josh and Michelle’s family for many years, and slowly they keep adding to their numbers.

Currently, they have a 2 year old daughter, and are about to add a son to the mix. 

We decided to get a few belly photos for Michelle and Josh so they could remember this happy time before another big change in their lives.

At the time we had limited window of opportunity, because the doctors said Michelle could have Josh Jr. any day now. In fact, the little guy was born 2 days ago.

Luckily we got through our session before that happened and before their little girl, Danielle, even realized it was nap time. She was a trooper!

Family Portraits for the Koppelmanns

By family, portrait photography

Last Sunday, I spent much of the day with the Koppelmann family making a family portrait for their holiday card, taking head shots of the Mom, Father and Daughter, the pets, and taking a few couples photos for good measure. Since they live a so far from me, we decided to do as many photographic projects as we could in one morning. Here are a few of my favorites from that day.

Just a side note on the amazing genetics that this family has. All three members of the family have the exact same eye color… a unique blend of green in the middle and brown on the outside. I rarely see that.

View the whole gallery here.

Baby Tyler Newborn Photos

By babies, family, newborns, portraits
What can I say. Newborn babies are cute and little Tyler was as adorable as they come. I was actually one of the first people outside of the immediate family who got to meet him. We set up a makeshift studio in a very tiny playroom and started shooting in between feedings. Big sister, Lia, was a perfect little helper holding baby brother just right. It was not too long ago when she was just as tiny.
Big sister loves her brother.
The whole family.
So tiny…
Three generations…

Rosenberg Family Photos

By family, photography

I  had a chance to reconnect with an old acquaintance, Marc, from my childhood neighborhood. Back in the day, I used to do yard work for his father, Mr. Rosenberg. He was a cool guy to work for because he would give me a choice to get paid $10 in cash or $50 in stamps to help me build up my stamp collection. We would just go through my book and add the missing stamps that I needed.

I think my love of old stamps led me to becoming a graphic designer. As a child I would examine stamp engravings with a magnifying glass for hours on end absolutely amazed by the level of microscopic detail that the artists put into their work.

Anyway, the photo session was supposed to be a fun get together for Mother’s Day. For the most part, it was enjoyable, but there was a strange incident that happened. We were photographing in a public park under a beautiful old tree when an overly aggressive rock climbing weirdo showed up. First of all, this guy drives out of the parking lot and parks his car right in background. He says he will move the car, but ends up camping out. He then proceeds to take a rope with a heavy lead weight and starts tossing it over the branches of the tree to establish climbing lines.

Let’s just say this was dangerous with a 2 year old running around. Literally that lead weight landed a few feet from us before some choice words were exchanged. Some people like this granola warrior think the world revolves around them. That was his tree and nobody was going to delay him from climbing it. What a loser. Maybe he got hit in the head with his lead weight one too many times. ha ha

The full gallery can be seen here.