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Andrew Hughes

Two for One Headshot Sessions

By Andrew Hughes, corporate photography, head shots, headshot portraits, Masqueman Photography
When two of my buddies told me within the same week that they wanted new head shots, my response was to proverbially kill two birds with one Canon. There is nothing more business-like than high efficiency, but that does not mean we had to be boring. They wisecracked jokes the whole time. I am afraid that they might hurt me for posting the photo below… ha ha.

We knocked out the standard business head shots first. Unless I am trying to specifically match the style of a company’s headshot, I tend to shoot a variety of backgrounds for the client. I can do this quickly by moving a few prearranged backdrops.

The requirements for Jason were slightly different since the headshot was going to include his company logo on his shirt. He owns Performance Audio & Video Atlanta…one of the best audio, video and home automation companies in Atlanta. Give him a call if you need any of that.

While Justinas was dressed to the nines, I took some full body portraits in case he becomes a CEO or lawyer in the coming years. I remember the first time I met him with long hair riding a motorcycle. Now he is a respectable business man, and he cleaned up nicely.

We then moved on to more stylized photos. For Jason, I used a warmer tone to match his shirt. For Justinas, I chose to use a slightly blue cast to match his shirt. I think doing this emphasizes the face more and the clothing less.

I know for sure that I have the best friends in the world.

Halloween Character Portraits

By Andrew Hughes, Halloween, Masqueman Photography, party
What is the best holiday of them all? I say Halloween for many people including adults. This might be the only yearly event where people get to step outside of their mundane lives and become somebody more interesting for a night.

In years passed, I have been hired to run photo booths at masquerade parties. These are as much fun for me as the participants. I love to see what will walk through the door. Maybe stars from the past will reappear…

In the case of Ricky and Lucy here… they were just enhancing reality with a sense of humor.

I think you can tell a lot about a person from the disguise he or she chooses. It could be a hero or villain unlike themselves. So, our next guy could be the dashing Clark Gabel…

…or a scoundrel tycoon named Dick Dasterly. You decide.

 A costume could be in poor taste and you wish you had not seen it. An example of this was a pudgy white man I saw (in 1998) who dressed himself as a minstrel-styled Aunt Jemima… yes, the nice lady from the syrup bottle. He even had a plate of pancakes and sang what he called “spirituals.” Unfortunately,  you can’t unsee or unhear some things. My advice… don’t do this. And by the way, the guy next to him is no priest… 

The characters can come from literature like the Queen from Alice in Wonderland.

…or from pop culture like the Tom Petty styled Mad Hatter that came with the Queen.

This only makes sense if you saw his 1984 music video for “Don’t Come Around Here No More”

Sexy vampires almost make you want to get bitten. More than once please…

I’m not sure if the motherly Morticia from the Adams Family was a vampire or not…

Some people never grow up and have to take their mummies everywhere. This gentleman English explorer’s costume and expression were spot on. Blimey!

Whoa! I hope it wasn’t the liver paté that made her turn green…

A touch of the old country… all that is missing is some beer mugs and polka music.

Is this what the Tooth Fairy really looks like?

It’s only fair that I should embarrass myself with my favorite Halloween outfit of all time. One year I went as my West Virginia cousin, Bubba Joe Jethro (the third). The ladies loved my dental work.

That guy always gets out of hand though. Here he is talking things over with a security officer.
I hope that everyone reading this has a wonderful Halloween. Be safe.

Zombie Transformation Caught on Film

By Andrew Hughes, Halloween, humor, Masqueman Photography, time lapse, Walking Dead, zombie
Fans of The Walking Dead have seen plenty of zombies. Usually they are shown in a state of decay just long enough to get their heads smashed in by the heroes of this popular TV series.
But, after watching every episode, I don’t think I have ever seen a zombie transformation. For the first time EVER, this unseen event has been captured with time lapse photography. It’s not a pretty sight either. If you are easily frightened, turn your eyes away now.
Apparently, the pre-zombie being grows a wild beard and his teeth turn into hideous bucktooth fangs. If you don’t believe me, just watch the video evidence. It’s got to be true if it’s on the internet, right? See the link zombie video here.

CEO Power Portraits

By Andrew Hughes, corporate photography, Masqueman Photography, portrait photography
One of my favorite things to do is make corporate style portraits. Usually that involves head shots, but it can also include body poses too. These can be great for magazine covers, articles or web pages. You never know where the images could end up including company sites, social media, email or print. In the samples below, I composited the client into 2 different backgrounds.

In this case, they will be used for several different types of articles on the company web site. With just a few modifications in the studio, I was able to provide a wide range of photos from formal to more informal. Providing different looks during a shoot gives the client’s graphic designer much more material to work with. Variations on a theme? Check, check and check…

It Would Have Been 54 Years Ago…

By Andrew Hughes, Carol Hughes, Charles Hughes, Masqueman Photography, parents, wedding anniversary
Wedding anniversaries in my family are not usually celebrated as big events outside of the married couple. Years ago, when my parents had their 50th anniversary, it came and went quietly. They did not want the attention or the hullabaloo.
Today would have been my parent’s 54th wedding anniversary. 
My Dad missed it by less than half a year having passed away in April. My Mom is bravely facing this day “alone” so we are all thinking about her right now.
Over the years my parents rode the peaks and valleys of any marriage, learning to communicate as two totally different types of people and somehow made it work.
A big component of their lives was their children and grandchildren, but this is just about them.

My Mom shared a personal story of how my Dad would hide Snickers bars under her pillow or present her with flowers gathered from everywhere except the florist. The example below looks like it did come from a  florist, but he probably borrowed it from somewhere. Don’t ask…

This is one of the last photos that I took when my Dad still had a sparkle in his eye. He had the same sparkle when he would sing songs or expertly whistle tunes for my Mom.

This was the photo we used for my Dad’s funeral, and now it hangs in their bedroom next to the sparkly butterflies my Dad made for my Mom aeons ago.

Almost 54 years together is quite an accomplishment. I really don’t have the words to describe what their partnership together must have been like so I’ll leave it to the expert. Alan Jackson… take it away. This song is dedicated to Carol and Charlie Hughes on their 54th anniversary. It is their life and I would have sworn he wrote it for them.

See video here:

A New Breed of Bearded Terrier Discovered

By Andrew Hughes, Boston Terrier, Dogs, Masqueman Photography, tall tale
What you are looking at here is the first known photo of the fabled bearded terrier of south eastern United States. These creatures are incredibly shy, living in the backwoods of the Georgia mountains. 
It is said that a regular old hound dog fell into a vat of 100 proof moonshine and swam a few laps. Then miraculously his beard began to grow like those Duck Dynasty guys. I have no idea if that is true, but these are amazing looking animals.

Welcome to Earth Little Michael

By Andrew Hughes, child phtotography, family portraits, Masqueman Photography, newborns
Just a quick post to welcome Michael to this fine planet of ours. Say hello…
New baby parts below…
He joins his parents Amber and Jason plus sister Alessandra.

Big sis has already broken in her parents so Michael might be able to get away with more as a second child. Or perhaps, they will know how to spot his rascally tricks. Only time will tell.
I love this pose as Mom cradles baby.
Michael calls this “the claw” pose… I think I heard him meow as he did this.
One thing is for sure… he looks like a cool kid. 
Already Michael has made his parents very happy, and all he has done so far is mess up a bunch of diapers. Just wait until he does something really great!

Photos of My Little Sister and Her Twins

By Andrew Hughes, Atlanta, family portraits, Masqueman Photography
This is a confession… I shot my sister and her two kids with a Canon. Before you call the cops, you should know that nobody got hurt and generally everyone had a good time.

My sis, Gena, had been promising me for years to come and visit me in my new Atlanta home… well, it was new 8 years ago anyway. It seems that she has been busy raising a family so traveling 10 hours by car was not an easy thing to do.
Now that her twin kids are 8 years old, it is much easier to toss them in the car and make the grueling drive.  Our plan was to keep the kids as busy as possible by purchasing an Atlanta City Pass. This allows people to see the top attractions in Atlanta for a highly reduced price.
The first morning, we made monster waffles in honor of Waffle House, which originated in Avondale Estates, Georgia… only 8 miles from my home.
Then it was off to the Fernbank Museum for some natural history and dinosaurs.
They have a great whale museum, which I accidentally found out does not allow photo taking. Oops. The hands-on science section has great things to occupy kids of all ages.
The next day was spent at Stone Mountain, which is not on the City Pass, but well worth the $10 admission to get in. The kids loved hiking around the old mill.
They sat still long enough for me to snap a few family photos. I mean just long enough… some of these poses were mere seconds before they were off and running again.

Notice the hug disguised as the “stay here” clutch.
Twins born 4 minutes apart…

Drawing in the sand like a cave girl.

Look at that fiery red hair!

We watched a Dock Dogs event, which had a bunch of lovable pooches jumping in a long jump pool. 
Then, we explored the top of Stone Mountain by riding the tram. I think we could have really tired them out by making them run up the other side of the mountain, but I am not sure the adults were up to it. They climbed trees to get higher!

Later we watched the laser show with thousands of other people. That lawn can really hold a crowd!
The next day was going to be spent at the Atlanta Aquarium. This place is as large as a shopping mall, and designed as such. I think I felt the dollar bills being sucked out of my sister’s wallet as we exited through the gift shop.
 Yes it is good for business… but it causes a lot of headaches for parents with tired children who do not know what money is. Just saying…  Regardless of that, the venue is top notch with amazing sights and sounds. 

 How many fish are in this place?!

Life takes some strange and wondrous shapes.

This might be the only time little Andy sat down. I took the photo as proof.
I did not know the aquarium had amazing acrobats!
After we had seen all the fish there were to see, we jogged over to the new Coke museum for a quick walkthrough. Two highlights for the kids were taking a photo with the excellent polar bear and a 4-D movie with whiplash moving chairs and spraying water.
It seems that the pinnacle of the whole Atlanta trip for them was all the “FREE” Coke products from around the world in the museum’s sampling room. It is kinda cool to try different flavors that are not available here in the states. My favorite was Inca Cola from Peru that has a unique flavor derived from lemon verbena…an exotic flower.
The kids made friends with Zack the Boston Terrier who seemed to love hanging out with them. Little Andy even broke through to Zoey who is incredibly shy around strangers.
If they did not sleep in the car going back to Virginia, then I am not sure what else we could have stuffed into the 3 day weekend. I was personally bushed for the rest of the week.

Confessions of a Star Wars Geek

By Andrew Hughes, Masqueman Photography, product photography, Star Wars
Normally, shooting product photos for a client does not remind me of anything from my childhood, but in the case of Uranium Flashlights… I had to chuckle.

Back in 1977 when Star Wars originally came out, I was a young geeky kid who loved my action figures and X-Wing fighter. Unlike some of my friends who had every Star Wars toy sold (I’m looking at you Noel Natividad), I had a few precious characters… and I loved every one.

I idolized Obi Wan Kenobi from the original film even though he was only in it for what seemed 30 minutes.

I vividly remember losing my Yoda action figure to a curious mishap when I tied it to a helium balloon and launched him like Ben Franklin into an approaching storm. Of course, I had no idea that the thread I had borrowed from my Mom’s sewing drawer was not attached to the spool. At that moment the string ran out, Yoda must have been at least 400 yards high (which is the length of thread on a typical spool), and he just kept rising. For all I know, he floated right back to his home planet of Dagobah. My hope is that some other kid found this sky treasure and gave him a good home.

Along with those toys, I always had a common household flashlight. During playtime it could become so many different things like a launching Saturn V rocket, an interstellar missile, a tractor beam, Han Solo’s blaster, and yes, even a light saber (especially around a camp fire where the beam would seem to solidify in the smoke).

Uranium Heavy Duty Flashlights or rockets… you decide.

So there you go… I admit it. Star Wars is part of my childhood that just won’t disappear… but I’m not the only one. There are legions of geeks out there… and more of us than you think… perhaps, even an army.

Red Headed Family Portraits at Stone Mountain

By Andrew Hughes, Atlanta, family portraits, Masqueman Photography, portrait photography, Stone Mountain Park
I am just like my mother…. I love red heads (I was even lucky enough to marry one). I am afraid when she sees these photos that she might want to adopt this whole family of four beautiful people with firery locks.

I kinda grew up with Michelle,  the mom of these two who is like a sister to me. 
It is so cool to see her with her own little clones… 

This is big Daddy Josh and Josh Jr.

It seems like Stone Mountain, Georgia in the Fall is a great setting for family portraits.

With my trusty 70-200mm zoom lens, I can get several versions of the same photo 
without even moving. Does that make me lazy or smart? You decide. Here is a wide angle.

Here is a medium angle…

And, finally… a close up. Don’t drop those kids… it’s a long way down.

Danielle is a stunning little girl… and so wonderful to be around.

How about some guy time?

Can you say cute? I love that curly hair.

Danielle reminds me of the young heroine, Merida, from the Pixar movie, Brave.

I actually had them holding hands at one point. Don’t try that with older children
 unless you want to capture frowns.

At this age, I like to stack the family members to show the size differences. 
The way kids grow, they will never be this small again.

Something a little more informal perhaps?

I actually work for Michelle’s father and Josh Jr. has the same glowing blue eyes of his “GranDave”.

The kids just love their Daddy who is a giant of a man compared to them. 
He would literally do anything for his family.

Before the kids, it was just Josh and Michelle… high school sweethearts.

Here is a shot of Mom and the munchkins and …we’re done.